Saturday 31 January 2015


February each year is synonymous with VALENTINES DAY celebrations and the hype can be felt as early as mid January. WHAT is Valentines day? According what a majority of people want to hear it is the Day observed by Loved ones... gifts etc are exchanged here. This begs the question, dont people love during the rest of the year? BUT what TRUELY is VALENTINES? Just as the Widely marked and Celebrated Christmas, it is a PAGAN FEAST that was incorporated into the Roman Catholic Calender by Pope Gelasius in 496 AD. In the Pagan times, Valentines was marked as LUPERCALIS or LUPERCALIA. This day was marked as Fertility celebration day on February 15 in honour of the goddes of fertility but the afforementioned ‘modernised‘ it and set the date a day ealier. During the rise of ‘christianity‘ in the early times, Pagan festival were renamed and dedicated to ‘Martyrs‘. Roman Catholic has had around four Valentines and both are believed to have been martyred around February 14. This day is however believed to be linked to a St. Valentine who secretly administered matrimony against the wish of a Roman empire Claudius II who had issued an edict against it. It is then that he was purpotedly killed and later beatified and canonized as parton saint of Lovers. HOPE YOU KNOW